Hi, I'm Amanda and I'm a life and career coach. I work with people to transform their lives and careers to help them find happiness and fulfilment in their work.
Would you like to be both satisfied and fulfilled in your work?
Would you like to thrive rather than simply survive from one Friday to the next?
Have you reached a point in life where it's time for you and you'd like to make a change?
Are you at a point of transition in your life? Are you returning to work after a career break or a period of illness; have you been made redundant, are your children getting older and you’re reassessing what you want?
Would you like your life and career to be better than it is now?
Are you lacking confidence or motivation to make changes?
Do you know exactly where you want to get to, but are not sure how to get there?
If you answer "Yes, that's me!" to any of those questions, you are certainly not alone.
Do you want to be in the same place you are now in a 6 months' time, a year's time, 3 years time? Is it time for you, time to make some changes and have a balanced, fulfilling life doing something you enjoy that works for you?
How I can help
A qualified and experienced HR Manager, Career Coach and NLP Practitioner, I draw upon over 20 years experience working with people. If you're feeling stuck - perhaps dreading going to work or feeling unfulfilled, ready to do something else and know that you are capable of so much more, I can work with you in a safe, supportive way to help you set and then achieve your goals.
I can help you find your niche, identify and overcome blockers to your success and work with you on confidence and mindset. I can help you plan and execute your job search strategy, promotion or plan a new business idea, put together a killer CV and coach you in interview skills techniques to help you achieve success. I can help you plan to reduce your stress levels and work towards a healthier work life balance.
I'm based in Suffolk, and can work face to face in the local area, or via Skype/telephone for further afield.
“It's never too late to be what you might have been”
— George eliot
Make a Change
A few years ago Gallup conducted the most detailed study ever carried out of how people feel about the thing we spend most of our waking lives doing – our paid work. They found that 13% of people say they are “engaged” in their work – they find it meaningful and look forward to it. 63% say they are “not engaged”, which is defined as “sleepwalking through their workday”. 24% are “actively disengaged”: they hate it.
Which category do you fall into?
Do you want to change it, uncover your passion and become more engaged, not just at work but in other areas of your life too?
Do you want to return to a different career after a break?
Would you like to negotiate changes to your existing role so you can work more flexibly, achieve a promotion or obtain a pay rise?
Book a free call with me to uncover how I could help you make a change and become more fulfilled in your work.
“Based on a couple of friends recommendations, I contacted Amanda after years of being off work in order to find what I wanted to do as a career. She has been brilliant! She has been able to clarify for me what was important in my life, the type of jobs that were suitable for me and which studies and training I should get into, and I am now really enjoying the whole new me. She has been a perfect coach. I can not recommend her enough.”